Realty Beat

Ahmedabad civic body seals 2,338 properties of tax defaulters, ET RealEstate


AHMEDABAD: On Tuesday, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation sealed 2,338 properties of property tax defaulters in various areas of the city. The corporation is issuing final notices to residential property owners with outstanding property taxes.

If the dues are not paid on time, water and sewer connections to these residential units will be cut off. In the southwest zone of the city, 466 properties were sealed, resulting in a recovery of Rs 32.70 lakh in a single day.

In the eastern zone, 1,872 properties were sealed, with Rs 57.87 lakh recovered in one day. Additionally, there have been complaints about properties on Ashram Road being sealed despite their property taxes being paid.

  • Published On Mar 5, 2025 at 09:38 AM IST

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