Today: Mar 15, 2025

124 Villages Raise Objection To ‘third Mumbai’ Project, ET RealEstate

NAVI MUMBAI: Over 5,000 objections has been filed against the state proposed ‘Third Mumbai’ project around the Atal Setu (Mumbai Trans Harbour Link) spread over 323 sq km area in 124 villages under Panvel, Uran and Pen talukas.

The MMRDA becomes the New Town Development Authority. These objections are only from Uran and Panvel talukas while those from Pen are to follow.

The locals are opposing the project for the fifth time since 2003 as the government keeps changing the planning and its authority for the area. The villagers claim that the project will not be beneficial for them as compensation is not given under the latest Land Acquisition Act-2014.

The notification issued on March 4 this year covers 29 villages under Uran tehsil, 7 villages under Panvel and 88 villages under Pen tehsil. Otherwise, the notification reveals that 80 villages are from Navi Mumbai Airport Influence Notified Area (NAINA), 33 villages from the Khopta New Town Notified area, 2 villages from Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Plan and 9 villages from the Raigad Regional Plan. The villagers have formed an umbrella body ‘MMRDA Virodhi Shetkari Sangharsh Samiti’ to oppose the plan.

An intensified campaign has been launched in the villages across the talukas. One of the coordinators, Sudhakar Patil alleged, “The population growth has led to extension of gaonthan (village area) but not regularized. The 95 villagers under Cidco’s Navi Mumbai are still fighting for compensation and village extension issues. Compensation as per latest land acquisition will not be given. The airport notified area development formula is against the farmers. We have foiled four previous such attempts in this region.”

The association convener Rupesh Patil said, “The government does not keep the land ownership with farmers. Finally, the land is given to builders and influential people. A new trick is used to take away land from farmers bypassing the compensation. The farmers are later asked to pay development charges as a compulsion.”

Sudhakar Patil added, “So far 5,000 objections have been given to the joint director town planning- Konkan division. Pen taluka vaillages will file their objections. The villagers will be left with no land and lose their livelihood. ”

  • Published On Mar 30, 2024 at 05:00 PM IST

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