Today: Mar 12, 2025

51% citizens paid property tax online, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
Representative Image

NASHIK: There has been a significant increase in online property tax payments since the Covid pandemic, civic officials said on Monday.

According to NMC officials, around 50% of citizens pay their tax online, up from 7% in the financial year 2018–19.

In FY 2022–23, the civic body collected Rs 188 crore in property tax, out of which Rs 78 crore was paid online by the taxpayers.

In the current financial year, the NMC has received a total of Rs 179 crore in property taxes. Out of this, Rs 93 crore was paid online.

Civic officials have attributed the increase in online payments to their rebate schemes.

“Those paying property tax online are given a 1% rebate on their bills. Additionally, this financial year, we introduced tax rebates to prompt property tax payers to pay their complete annual property tax. Those citizens who paid their tax in April were given an 8% rebate, while those who paid in May were given a 6% rebate. Similarly, those who paid the tax in June received a 3% rebate,” an NMC official said.

More than five lakh properties in Nashik to get unique ID codes

Each property in the city will be given an identity code by the NMC. This will help the civic body access all details, including built-up area and other specifications related to the properties, at one click.

  • Published On Mar 5, 2024 at 01:30 PM IST

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