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Admin Nod For 2 Hsg Colonies To Install 11 Gates On Internal Roads, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
Representative Image

GURUGRAM: Deputy commissioner Nishant Yadav has allowed installation of 11 gates in Vatika India Next and South City 1 after residents flagged security concerns.

Residents of four colonies sought permission from the DC’s office to install internal gates. After examining the applications, approval was given to install 10 gates in Vatika India Next Colony and one gate in South City 1 on the recommendation of the department of town and country planning (DTCP) and police, officials said on Wednesday.

Police are yet to approve the other applications, due to which no decision has been taken yet on installation of gates in BPTP Astaire Garden and Experion colony off Dwarka Expressway.

On March 29, DC Nishant Yadav held a meeting over installation of gates, in which permission was sought for 10 gates in Vatika India Next, one in South City 1, 10 in BPTP Astaire Garden and one in Experion.

District town planner (enforcement) Manish Yadav, who is a member of the committee checking applications, informed Yadav that no comments had been received yet from police for BPTP and Experion Colony. “Due to this, no decision has been taken yet on the applications of these two colonies,” Yadav said.

According to norms, before installing gates or boom barriers in a colony, residents have to apply to the deputy commissioner and the office of district town planner (enforcement), following which the latter tables these applications in the meeting and a final decision is taken on the basis of committee members’ opinions.

A senior official from the district administration said, “Approval to install gates on internal roads was given after examining security concerns and impact on traffic movement in the area. RWAs and residents, in their applications, explained security concerns. Local police examined these and submitted a report to the DC,” he said.

Under the rulers, only internal roads within residential blocks can be allowed to install boom barriers. “There has to be a security guard at all boom barriers so that it can be managed in case of any emergency. If gates have been erected in the past and with permission from a competent authority like HSVP, MCG or others, colonies must display the opening and closing hours and strictly follow the guidelines, failing which they may face action and permission may be revoked,” DTP Yadav said.

Arvind Saini, a resident of South City 1, welcomed the move. “This is an urgent matter concerning the safety and security of residents as there are multiple entry and exit points to the colony,” he said.

Virendra Parikh, another resident, said lack of boom barriers manned by security guards has compromised safety and security of residents. “There is a risk of theft and public disturbances. The district administration and police must allow gates for our safety,” he said.

As per the Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Areas Act, 1975, any gate put up on 24-metre-wide roads, sector dividing roads or any public road is illegal and the department “will not allow any hindrance that causes inconvenience to the public at large”.

The Act states that no person shall erect or re-erect buildings in a colony save in accordance with the approved plans and subject to such restrictions and conditions as are contained in the licence or as may be specified by govt. In case of contravention by way of violation of the approved layout, a person could be liable for penal action under section 10(2) of the Act.

  • Published On Apr 4, 2024 at 11:03 AM IST

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