Today: Mar 15, 2025

Admin, Town Planner & Police To Meet Over Nod For Gates On Hsg Colony Roads, ET RealEstate

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GURUGRAM: The deputy commissioner has called a meeting of the town planner (enforcement wing) and police officers on Friday to decide on applications seeking permission to install gates on internal roads of residential societies in the city.

The district administration has received applications from RWAs of several housing colonies in new sectors and other areas of the city citing security problems.

Recently, the deputy commissioner had clarified that the gates installed without permission will be considered illegal and removed by the enforcement wing of DTCP. Also, a set of guidelines were issued for operation of gates installed after mandatory permission by the authorities.

District town planner (enforcement) Manish Yadav said all applications will be placed before the deputy commissioner in the meeting, following which their approval will be discussed. “These applications have been received in the DTPE office seeking permission for installing gate/boom barriers at entries of various residential licensed colonies, including South City, Sector-70A and others,” he said.

“A committee has been set up under the chairmanship of deputy commissioner for giving approval to install gates. The district town planner (enforcement) is the member secretary. Apart from this, other officers, including a deputy police commissioner, are part of the committee”.

According to norms, before installing gates in the colony, residents have to apply to the deputy commissioner and the office of district town planner (enforcement), following which the latter tables these applications in the meeting and a final decision is taken on the basis of committee members’ opinions.

Earlier, the department had written to the police, urging them to ensure that the entries and exits of all licensed colonies in the city should remain open during the day.

Any gate installed on 24m roads, sector roads or any public roads is illegal as per the policy. Colonies are allowed to install boom barriers on internal roads only if there are security concerns. Also, all such boom barriers must be manned by guards.

  • Published On Mar 27, 2024 at 04:00 PM IST

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