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Andhra Pradesh Government Releases Guidelines for Amaravati Capital City Development Project, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

VIJAYAWADA: Setting the ball rolling on taking up various developmental projects in the capital city Amaravati, the state govt has issued detailed guidelines to Capital Region Development Authority (CRDA) on spending of the loan to be granted by the World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB).

The state govt listed its priorities regarding various infrastructure works in Amaravati to be taken up with the loan to be granted by World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB). The state govt appointed CRDA as nodal agency to deal with WB and ADB and take up developmental activities in Amaravati.

The state govt explained that the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) in the Union ministry of finance has communicated that the proposal submitted by APCRDA, “The Amaravati Inclusive and Sustainable Capital City Development Program” has been accepted by both multilateral development banks (MDBs)-the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), with each providing funding support of $ 800 million (a total of $ 1.6 billion) under Program for Results (PforR)/ Result Based Lending (RBL) programs respectively.

The govt said that the remaining share will be covered by the state govt with support from the Union govt.

In this background, the state govt on Sunday directed the CRDA commissioner to initiate measures to develop the new capital city, Amaravati, as the people’s capital of Andhra Pradesh.

The govt nominated CRDA commissioner Katamaneni Bhaskar as Amaravati development corporation chairperson and MD, D Lakshmi Parthasarathy Bhasker, and joint advisor to finance department, D Surendra as members of the high-level committee to oversee the agreements with WB and ADB.

The govt made it clear that the goal is to create a happy, green, climate-resilient and inclusive city with the highest standards of liveability and infrastructure supported by a thriving economy with an objective to leverage regional heritage and culture to establish itself as an administrative centre and economic hub, providing jobs, and high-quality urban infrastructure.

The state govt directed the CRDA to take up works including construction of trunk roads and utility ducts for essential services, storm water drainage and flood mitigation by development of streams, retention reservoirs and flood defence system.

The govt asked the CRDA to take up development of roads, utilities, green spaces in LPS zones, 24×7 clean water supply system, sewerage system including STPs as top priority. It wanted the CRDA to take up construction of key public buildings using green standards.

The govt empowered the CRDA commissioner to focus on institutional strengthening and capacity building and raising finances through innovative financing methods to complete the tasks as per the schedule. “Commissioner, APCRDA, has been asked to take necessary action for securing financial assistance from the World Bank and Asian Development Bank for the development of Amaravati Capital City,” said special chief secretary (municipal administration and urban development), Anantha Ramu.

  • Published On Nov 11, 2024 at 12:30 PM IST

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