Today: Mar 21, 2025

Bhopal administration extends deadline for objections on property rate hike to March 22, ET RealEstate

<p>representative image</p>
representative image

BHOPAL: The Bhopal district administration has extended the deadline for submitting objections and suggestions on proposed hikes in collector guideline rates for property till March 22, following protests led by the Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Association of India (CREDAI) Bhopal unit. The earlier deadline was March 18.

CREDAI Bhopal president Manoj Singh Meek, along with a delegation, met key political leaders, including Vishwas Sarang, Rameshwar Sharma, Krishna Gaur, Bhagwandas Sabnani, and minister in-charge for Bhopal Chaitanya Kashyap, seeking intervention against what they termed an “incessant” increase in property guideline rates.

According to Meek, all the leaders they met have assured them of help and expressed solidarity with their cause as incessant increase in the collector guideline rates of property is hampering the development of the state capital. CREDAI pointed out that Indore, which is far ahead of Bhopal in terms of real estate business, had had a restrained growth in the collector guideline rates while there has been an increase to the tune of 300 percent to 615 percent in the guideline rates at Bhopal.

Following a meeting with Kashyap and Sabnani on Monday, CREDAI said that the minister and Sabnani, who is also a member of the evaluation committee led by district collector on revision of collector guideline rates, have agreed that there should be greater transparency on how the rates have been revised. They also agreed to extend the date for presenting objections/suggestions to proposals, there has also been an agreement to provide CREDAI a ‘clean data’ of collector guideline rates from 2005 onwards and constitution of an independent committee comprising stakeholders, experts, members of district administration and peoples’ representatives to consider the issuer of collector guideline rates and deliberate whether it has resulted in increase in the revenue of the state government, the objective cited for increasing the guideline rates, and could there be any other method to increase the revenue from stamp duty.

” In one of the meetings, an official of the district administration said that they have used AI to decide the collector guideline rates but we know, they must have asked AI devise on how much to increase the rates of property rather than how to increase the revenue, which is after all their objective and we, too, have no objection to it. We have always held that if they reduce the guideline rates and bring it at par with neighbouring states, their revenue from stamp duty will increase far more than increasing the guideline rates”, said Meek.

He said that officials were sent to neighbouring states to study issues related to collector guideline rates, they should be asked what they saw there and if they are using their derivations from there in deciding the collector guideline rates in Bhopal or elsewhere in the state.

CREDAI with the help of local politicians particularly Alok Sharma and Bhgawandas Sabnani had been able to abort the attempt of the district administration to revise collector guideline rates in 2024 after the deputy chief minister in-charge of finance & excise departments Jagdish Dewra stalled the implementation of the revised rates then. It’s again insisting that increase in the collector guideline rates for property often referred to as circle rates should remain suspended for 3 years.

Senior district registrar Swapnesh Sharma, who has played a crucial role in devising the revised proposals of collector guideline rates of property, said ” Yes, we have extended the date for filing suggestions/objections till March 22 following directives of the minister in-charge and we shall go further from there.”

Bhopal: The Bhopal district administration has extended the deadline for submitting objections and suggestions on proposed hikes in collector guideline rates for property till March 22, following protests led by the Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Association of India (CREDAI) Bhopal unit. The earlier deadline was March 18.

CREDAI Bhopal president Manoj Singh Meek, along with a delegation, met key political leaders, including Vishwas Sarang, Rameshwar Sharma, Krishna Gaur, Bhagwandas Sabnani, and minister in-charge for Bhopal Chaitanya Kashyap, seeking intervention against what they termed an “incessant” increase in property guideline rates.

According to Meek, all the leaders they met have assured them of help and expressed solidarity with their cause as incessant increase in the collector guideline rates of property is hampering the development of the state capital. CREDAI pointed out that Indore, which is far ahead of Bhopal in terms of real estate business, had had a restrained growth in the collector guideline rates while there has been an increase to the tune of 300 percent to 615 percent in the guideline rates at Bhopal.

Following a meeting with Kashyap and Sabnani on Monday, CREDAI said that the minister and Sabnani, who is also a member of the evaluation committee led by district collector on revision of collector guideline rates, have agreed that there should be greater transparency on how the rates have been revised. They also agreed to extend the date for presenting objections/suggestions to proposals, there has also been an agreement to provide CREDAI a ‘clean data’ of collector guideline rates from 2005 onwards and constitution of an independent committee comprising stakeholders, experts, members of district administration and peoples’ representatives to consider the issuer of collector guideline rates and deliberate whether it has resulted in increase in the revenue of the state government, the objective cited for increasing the guideline rates, and could there be any other method to increase the revenue from stamp duty.

” In one of the meetings, an official of the district administration said that they have used AI to decide the collector guideline rates but we know, they must have asked AI devise on how much to increase the rates of property rather than how to increase the revenue, which is after all their objective and we, too, have no objection to it. We have always held that if they reduce the guideline rates and bring it at par with neighbouring states, their revenue from stamp duty will increase far more than increasing the guideline rates”, said Meek.

He said that officials were sent to neighbouring states to study issues related to collector guideline rates, they should be asked what they saw there and if they are using their derivations from there in deciding the collector guideline rates in Bhopal or elsewhere in the state.

CREDAI with the help of local politicians particularly Alok Sharma and Bhgawandas Sabnani had been able to abort the attempt of the district administration to revise collector guideline rates in 2024 after the deputy chief minister in-charge of finance & excise departments Jagdish Dewra stalled the implementation of the revised rates then. It’s again insisting that increase in the collector guideline rates for property often referred to as circle rates should remain suspended for 3 years.

Senior district registrar Swapnesh Sharma, who has played a crucial role in devising the revised proposals of collector guideline rates of property, said ” Yes, we have extended the date for filing suggestions/objections till March 22 following directives of the minister in-charge and we shall go further from there.”

  • Published On Mar 20, 2025 at 07:30 PM IST

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