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BIS comes out with model building regulation for seamless adoption across nation, ET RealEstate

NEW DELHI: The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) on Tuesday said it has released ‘model building regulations’ which are simple and user-friendly, paving the way for their uniform adoption across the country. The model building regulation, Standardized Development and Building Regulations 2023, has been prepared after studying the provisions of the National Building Code (NBC) 2016 and existing national and global building regulations.

“The building regulations vary from one state to another. However, there are some regulations which are common across the country. The model regulation simplifies those regulations for uniform adoption,” BIS Joint Director (Civil Engineering Department) Madhurima Madhav told PTI.

Fire safety, plumbing services, and comfort conditions are some of the common building regulations. States can revise their regulations as per the model regulation, she said.

According to the BIS, the 350-page model building regulation document is written in a simple language eliminating ambiguity in regulation for a seamless adoption.

Visual aids, including illustrations and flowcharts, have been used to enhance comprehension, while explanatory notes underscore key aspects. Standardized numbering further eases translation into different languages, BIS said in a statement.

Stating that the model building regulation will benefit all stakeholders, the BIS official said it will help especially tier II and III cities which face a shortage of architects and building professionals.

The NBC-2016 is a 2,500-page document and some key regulations like installing ‘lift with automatic rescue device’ may get unnoticed. Such regulations are identified, simplified and put in the model regulation, she said.

“The model regulation has been prepared taking into account the views of state governments and Union Territories. The states should now come forward and adopt,” she added.

The model regulation also covers new-age concepts such as EV charging stations, wind electricity generators, transferable development rights, transit-oriented development, high-security areas, and retirement homes.

In India, building regulations vary depending on the state and jurisdiction but there are common building regulations that are typically enforced across the country.

Building codes and regulations in India are designed to ensure that buildings are constructed and maintained in such a manner that protects the health and safety of occupants as well as the environment.

The National Building Code-2016 is a revised and latest version that has made significant changes in its guidelines to ensure building and occupants’ safety as well as maintenance and sustainability.

  • Published On Jan 16, 2024 at 05:45 PM IST

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