Today: Mar 25, 2025

BMC developing app to check illegal dumping of construction debris, ET RealEstate

MUMBAI: In an initiative aimed at ensuring transporters or contractors who collect construction and demolition (C&D) waste from various sites do not dump debris on water bodies including mangroves and open spaces, the civic body is developing a mobile app and a system which will help monitor the movement of the waste right from pickup till it is dumped at any of the BMC-approved sites.

Any person seeking permission for construction or repairs has to declare the quantum of debris and choose a dump site from among those offered on the BMC‘s auto Development Control Regulations (DCR) system. The system will map the sites and a time slot is calculated for debris to be picked up and dumped.

Any deviation in the route or change in the time taken by the transporter will be recorded in the system. Right from collection to dumping of the debris will be recorded as images, and the operators of the dump site too will have to update the system about the quantity of debris in terms of cubic metres dumped by a transporter and how much the site would be able to further accommodate it.

The truck driver has to the download the app and upload images of the debris during collection and dumping. The site operator has to update the system after the debris is dumped. If the truck driver delays movement, then he has to give an explanation, said an official.

“Transporters or contractors employed by those who seek permissions for construction or repairs dump debris at random locations including water bodies and open spaces rampantly, as they find it convenient and cost-effective,” said a BMC official.

The BMC has also commissioned two C&D processing plants of 600 tonne per day each. However, so far the plants are functioning at about 60% capacity. There is not enough response to the debris on call facility, as citizens choose to dispose the debris through persons connected to the debris mafia who dump debris illegally at random locations.

Considering the requirements of the solid waste management department, the civic building proposal department is creating the system which will help monitor movement of debris and prevent illegal dumping, an official said. “Currently, the auto DCR system where you apply for permissions, has a drop-down of 11 sites where the builder or person carrying out repairs or development is supposed to dump the C&D waste, as per availability of capacity. The two processing plants will be added to the drop-down to ensure there is enough material for processing,” said an official.

  • Published On Mar 23, 2025 at 12:00 PM IST

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