Today: Mar 12, 2025

Bringing Transparency to the Allotment System, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
Representative Image

BHUBANESHWAR: In a bid to bring transparency in the allotment system of houses to the urban poor, the housing and urban development department has decided to introduce a new web-based House Allotment System (HAS) to make sure that the right beneficiary gets his or her share of benefits.

Officials said the houses which are being readied by private developers under the Model I of govt’s Housing for All Scheme will be allotted to the beneficiaries through HAS. Under Model I, private developers are reserving 10% of the housing units for EWS in their projects.

A standard operation procedure (SOP) has been issued in this regard wherein the urban development department has mentioned the eligibility, step-by-step process or registration, fee payments, role of project developers and project development authorities.

A transparent system will be in place for allotment of EWS housing units created under the provision of this policy. The key objective of proposed allotment system will be to generate predictability, transparency and ensure social auditing, reads the SOP.

According to the SOP, a project developer will have to furnish the details of the EWS houses that they are offering to sell in the web-based HAS. It will also have to enrol project details with the development authority concerned or the municipal bodies of the respective cities.

The beneficiaries will then have to register themselves in the web-based allotment system following which they will be able to apply against an issued notification for allotment of the EWS houses. On completion of the allotment, the beneficiary will make the final payment and get the house.

During the process, the development authorities concerned or municipal bodies will monitor all the activities in the web-based system. It will not only scrutinise the applications of beneficiaries but also accept or reject project data enrolled by the project developers.

“Nearly 1,500 EWS housing units in Bhubaneswar and nearby areas are being readied for allotment. To transparently allot the houses, the new web-based system is being introduced,” director (housing) Debasis Singh said.

  • Published On Feb 15, 2024 at 07:00 PM IST

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