Today: Mar 15, 2025

Central India’s first construction waste recycling plant ready to roll, ET RealEstate

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NAGPUR: The Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has completed trial runs of its first plant for recycling construction and demolition (C&D) waste at Bhandewadi dumping yard. The plant, the only one in central India till date, has capacity to process 150 metric tonne waste daily.

An NMC official privy to the development told TOI that the plant will become operational in the next few days and cater to requirement of government agencies as well as individuals and private organizations.

Hyderabad-based firm Hyderabad C&D Waste Pvt Ltd had started construction of the plant in 2022 on 5 acres land in Bhandewadi landfill site. It will process C&D waste to produce five types of bio-products.

As per the official, NMC has already approached government departments such as its town planning department, NIT, NMRDA Mhada, MahaMetro, PWD, CPWD and other undertakings for using the by-products for development projects.

The plant will serve areas under all 10 zones in the city. Government agencies can drop the waste here after paying the processing fees. Individuals and private organizations can use the facility by paying transportation and processing charges for collection of C&D waste from their houses or sites.

“The private firm will operate the plant for 20 years before handing it over to NMC,” said the official. The NMC will pay the firm Rs414 per metric tonne, including Rs234 for collection and transportation of waste (if the firm lifts the waste) and Rs180 for processing.

The then municipal commissioner Radhakrishnan B had framed a policy on C&D waste. As per the policy and guidelines of C&D Waste Rules 2016, dumping C&D waste on roadsides, dump site and any other non-designated places is prohibited.

In case of illegal dumping of waste, transporters/generators will be fined Rs5,500 per vehicle (irrespective of quantity, even if the vehicle is half filled).

As per the policy, fine amount would increase by Rs500 annually from April 1. The authority to issue the challan will rest with sanitary officer and inspector of NMC zone office and enforcement inspectors.

Quoting the policy, the official underlined that any bulk generator of C&D waste is supposed to transport the waste to Bhandewadi plant. The firm would charge Rs180 per metric tonne as processing fee. If the firm lifts and transport the waste, it would charge Rs 414 per metric tonne. The tipping and processing charges will be revised by 5% from April 1 this year, the official said.

The official said many houses and commercial complexes are undergoing redevelopment, generating tonnes of C&D waste that is contributing to pollution.

“The plant will help in reuse of natural resources, which are being dumped in several low-lying areas and alongside roads for years. With the functional of the plant, overburden will be reused,” the official said.

  • Published On Mar 7, 2024 at 06:21 PM IST

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