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CHB receives 6,300 applications for its self-financing housing scheme, ET RealEstate

<p>representative image</p>
representative image

CHANDIGARH: In the fresh demand survey for Sector 53 self-financing housing scheme, the Chandigarh Housing Board (CHB) received 6,300 applications by Monday evening. In a previous survey (2018-19), the scheme had received only 178 applications.

CHB initiated the demand survey for the self-financing housing scheme in Sector 53 on Feb 22, and March 3 was the closing date for the submission of applications. The scheme has three categories of flats — sub-scheme A – HIG (192 units); sub-scheme B – MIG (100 units); and sub-scheme C – EWS (80 units). The EWS category received 1,000 applications. The tentative prices of flats range from Rs 53 lakh to Rs 1.65 crore.

The demand survey was conducted for the allotment of flats without any commitment. The CHB will launch the scheme after assessing the demand response from interested eligible persons and after obtaining requisite approvals. The applicant was required to deposit a payment of Rs 10,000 in the case of sub-scheme A and B, and Rs 5,000 in the case of sub-scheme C as confirmation of interest in the scheme, which will be adjusted in the EMD at the time of launching the scheme. In case the applicant, on the launch of the scheme, decides not to participate further, the whole amount of the deposit will be forfeited.The launch of the Sector 53 housing scheme was marred by delays for several years since it was first planned in 2018. This is the third time the self-financing housing scheme, planned on a 9-acre plot in Sector 53, is being considered by the board.

Last year, just when the CHB was planning to launch the project, it was junked by the then UT administrator Banwarilal Purohit. Earlier this year, the administration reviewed its decision and directed the CHB to give a presentation to the chief secretary on the project.

The scheme could not be launched in 2018 after a demand survey revealed that there were not many takers for the scheme because of the high cost of dwelling units. For 492 flats that were planned to be constructed under the scheme, only 178 applications were received in the demand survey. A one-bedroom set was priced at a whopping Rs 86 lakh, 2BHK for Rs 1.28 crore, and 3BHK priced at Rs 1.5 crore.

In March 2020, the board scrapped the scheme in Sector 53. However, the officers were asked to consider framing a new scheme with a lesser cost. In 2022, for the revival of the scheme, CHB dropped the plan to construct 100 one-room flats. Under the revived scheme, CHB then in 2023 planned to offer 372 flats in three categories — 192 three-bedroom, 100 two-bedroom, and 80 two-bedroom EWS flats. CHB reserves the right to abandon the scheme for the said project without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

  • Published On Mar 4, 2025 at 06:26 PM IST

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