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Goa’s chief town planner can now change regional plan, ODPs, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
Representative Image

PANAJI: The state town and country planning (TCP) department has notified the new procedure that allows the chief town planner to change or modify the regional plan (RP) or an outline development plan (ODP) .

The new rules mean that the department can change the classification of a plot of land based on the directions of govt or applications from individuals.

“The department will scrutinise the proposals for change of zone of land by following the guidelines, and thereafter, such proposals along with the scrutiny report shall be placed before the TCP board for its recommendation,” said Ranjit Borkar, the chief town planner (land use).

Once the TCP board approves a proposal, the department will issue a public notification seeking suggestions and objections.

Stakeholders will be given 30 days to write to the TCP department.

“After 30 days lapse, the proposal for change of the zoning of land, along with suggestions, if any, received, shall be placed once again before the board for its recommendation or decision,” Borkar said. “The chief town planner (planning) shall place the TCP board’s decision before state govt for a final decision.”

Govt had introduced an amendment in the state assembly to pave the way for the chief town planner to modify or alter the zoning in the regional plan or an outline development plan.

The rules, which were notified earlier this year, state that a processing fee ranging from Rs 500 to Rs 50,000 must be paid for the conversion based on the area intended to be converted.

Additionally, a change of zone fee from Rs 50 to Rs 400 per square metre must be paid based on the type of zone change sought.

  • Published On Jun 7, 2024 at 11:00 AM IST

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