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Gujarat government introduces new rules to cut TP process by five months, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

AHMEDABAD: The state govt has introduced a streamlined town planning (TP) scheme process to expedite procedures and enhance transparency. Under this new system, a town planner will be able to declare a draft TP scheme as a preliminary scheme within just seven months, down from the current 12-month average.

The urban development department (UDD) has made several modifications to speed up the drafting and finalization of TP schemes after thorough deliberation. The govt will establish an Original Plot Approval Committee (OPAC) to ensure the integrity of the original plot’s boundary and area until the preliminary scheme receives approval.

A town planning officer (TPO) will be appointed immediately after the intention to prepare a TP scheme is announced, with their input sought before submitting the draft to the govt. This will allow the preliminary TP scheme to be declared in around seven months, significantly faster than the previous process.

To ensure transparency, the proposals at each stage of the TP scheme will be accessible on the respective planning authorities’ websites. In the absence of changes to the approved draft town planning scheme, the TPO will promptly provide their opinion on the final plots.

Timeframes for each activity in the scheme’s formulation have been defined, and TP road demarcations will follow within a set period after draft approval.

Additionally, a district-level nodal officer will be appointed to liaise with the TPO in cases where govt land falls under the TP scheme.

Prakash Dutta, officer on special duty (OSD) in the UDD, emphasized the significance of this major reform in the TP scheme preparation process, which does not require legislative amendments.

He highlighted the increased importance of this reform, given that Gujarat’s TP scheme model was acknowledged in the Union budget, and other states were encouraged to adopt it. The draft of the reforms has been made available on the website, and the public is encouraged to submit their suggestions between Sep 5 and 15.

Chief town planner D J Jadeja organized a meeting of stakeholders on Sep 4, including representatives from Credai Gujarat, ITPI Gujarat, GICEA and officers from the town planning and valuation department. Officers from municipal corporations and other urban local bodies also attended the meeting to discuss the proposed reforms.

  • Published On Sep 6, 2024 at 01:00 PM IST

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