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Haryana Urban Local Bodies Department Seeks Explanation from MCG on C&D Waste Firm Probe, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
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GURUGRAM: The Haryana urban local bodies (ULB) department has sought an explanation from MCG on its failure to disclose crucial information about a firm that submitted the lowest bid for management of construction and demolition (C&D) waste in the city.

The department has questioned why MCG didn’t reveal that the company had previously been the subject of an inquiry. Moreover, it has sought details of the action taken by MCG against the firm following the inquiry report, which allegedly found that the company had violated the conditions of the tender it was awarded in the past.

TOI had on March 27 reported that the private firm, against which an inquiry was conducted for certain alleged irregularities in C&D waste collection and transportation, has participated in the new tender issued by the MCG for the enforcement, door-to-door collection and processing of construction waste. The firm offered the lowest rate of Rs 162 per tonne in the new tender.

“An inquiry was conducted in a similar matter… It was found that the firm didn’t carry out the job as per the conditions of tender document and the contract. Action was recommended against the departmental officers and the firm. MCG needs to explain why this fact has been concealed and further disclose what action has been taken against the firm on the basis of the inquiry report,” read a letter recently sent by the ULB department to MCG.

The corporation was also told to answer why the proposal with the firm’s bid was sent to the ULB department for approval when MCG has the power to approve the tender.

“The proposal is within MCG’s financial powers but unnecessarily, the case has been forwarded to this office for reasons best known to your office. You are requested to explain this aspect,” read the letter.

A senior MCG official said they are drafting a reply to the letter. “Our reply will soon be sent to the ULB department. It is a serious matter as the department is stating that the facts have been concealed,” the official said.

“We have been absolved of all the wrongdoings of which we had been accused, with documentary proof. Moreover, whatever penalties were levied on us for certain technical flaws, we have asked MCG to deduct them from our outstanding payment. An inquiry was conducted at the ULB department’s level, it was concluded and subsequently accepted by the state govt. We have never been blacklisted by MCG or any other government agency. So, no law bars us from participating in the tender,” said a spokesperson from Pragati, the firm against which allegations of irregularities were made.

Asked why the firm quoted such a low rate and whether they would be able to perform, the spokesperson said, “There is a clause of blacklisting in the tender if our work isn’t up to the mark. The corporation can put that clause to use if we don’t perform well.”

  • Published On May 30, 2024 at 01:00 PM IST

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