Today: Mar 13, 2025

Hubballi-Dharwad civic body to conduct an inspection at Aryabhata Tech Park, ET RealEstate

HUBBALLI: Hubballi-Dharwad Municipal Corporation (HDMC) will inspect Aryabhata Tech Park (ATP) to verify the utilisation of properties allotted to the IT-BT companies. At the ATP, spread over 26 acres, 10 companies were allotted land in two phases for the development of IT-BT industries. The HDMC decided to constitute a house panel to verify the ATP.

Following allegations of improper land utilisation by companies at the Aryabhata Tech Park (ATP) near Navanagar, HDMC mayor Ramanna Badiger initiated the formation of a house panel to investigate the claims before considering land withdrawal from these firms.

The ATP, encompassing 26 acres, allocated land to 10 companies for IT-BT industry development. A recent development involves a company allocated land in 2023 requesting cancellation due to unsuitable terrain. Additionally, HDMC needs to evaluate withdrawing land from a company allocated in 2008-09 for non-utilisation, pending verification of land usage by all companies before finalising any cancellation decisions.

During a recent general body meeting, former mayor Iresh Anchatgeri raised concerns about several ATP companies’ inadequate land utilisation and incomplete operations, calling for detailed verification.

Officials reported that Diksha Technologies, which received three acres at Rs 10 lakh per acre in 2008-09, failed to utilise the land and meet stipulated conditions. While the HDMC administrator opted to cancel the allocation in 2021, the general body reached a different decision in Feb.

Additionally, Ion Idea Enterprises Solutions Pvt Ltd, which received one acre and 20 gunta of land for Rs 97.3 lakh last year, requested allocation cancellation and refund, citing unsuitable terrain for construction.

“We have constituted the house committee consisting of three senior members of HDMC. Opposition leader Raju Kamati, floor leader Veeranna Savadi, and former Mayor Iresh Anchatgeri will be part of the house committee,” said Ramanna Badiger.

The committee will examine whether the companies are using the land as per the terms and conditions specified in the agreement and also check if the promised investments were made and if employment opportunities were created as committed. They will also assess the infrastructure development and verify if the companies started their operations within the stipulated time frame.

If any violations or non-compliance issues are found during the inspection, appropriate action will be taken as per the guidelines. The HDMC has emphasised that this verification process is essential to maintain transparency and accountability in land utilisation. The inspection findings will help in planning future developments and improvements at the ATP, said former mayor Iresh Anchatgeri.

  • Published On Dec 22, 2024 at 03:00 PM IST

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