Today: Mar 12, 2025

Hurdles Continue For Citizens To Carry Out Online Corrections In 7/12 Extracts, ET RealEstate

PUNE: City resident Chaitanya Pore had to make several rounds of the talathi’s office to get a spelling error in his surname corrected on 7/12 extract property papers, although he had tried to do it online. It took him numerous offline applications to get the correct surname reflected on the mutation extracts.

Pore is among many citizens, who — despite making online changes to mistakes in documentation — have had to visit revenue offices to get errors corrected.

The revenue department had since last year allowed citizens to opt for an online software to make changes in mutation extracts. But citizens have demanded better coordination between departments to iron out issues.

Said Pore, “I had sought heirship details, but the talathi’s office misspelt my name. Only after personally visiting the office and applying for the change did it reflect. These hurdles must be resolved.”

Citizen activist Shrikant Joshi said the talathis involved and the collector’s office should also make the necessary checks, instead of forcing the public to run around.

“The idea of such a facility was to enable a system that weeds out middlemen. However, if citizens are made to do rounds of offices anyway, the facility is pointless,” he said.

Senior citizen Medha Moghe said that even though she has submitted her application online regarding heirship, the talathi’s office is yet to revert. “There should be some e-seva kendras or kiosks to help citizens, so that they need not visit the collector to complain,” she suggested.

A senior revenue official claimed to TOI that they have been asking talathis to not unnecessarily call applicants to the office, and to clear their requests smoothly, unless there is a specific problem.

“The online dashboard shows a timeframe for each application,” informed the official, adding, “However, talathis should look into issues where citizens are unnecessarily made to do rounds. People can complain about the same at the collector’s office.”

Officials said the response to the portal has been good so far, with over 1 lakh applications received for changes.

The dashboard on the portal reflects applications that are pending before talathis, those accepted and cleared, and the applications that have been returned due to some discrepancies.

  • Published On Nov 30, 2023 at 03:02 PM IST

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