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Illegal colonies taken over, time now to lay water network & tiles, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
Representative Image

GURUGRAM: Three months after the govt authorised certain illegal colonies, MCG has initiated development work in these colonies.

For a start, the civic body is planning to lay water pipelines and interlocking tiles in some colonies.

Officials said pipelines with 100mm diameter and interlocking tiles with 80mm thickness will be laid in Ryan Enclave, Saraswati Enclave, Bhoop Nagar and Peer Baba colony.

The work in Ryan Enclave is estimated to cost Rs 1.45 crore and the contractor will be given seven months to complete the work. The cost for Saraswati Enclave is Rs 88 lakh and the deadline is six months.

Bhoop Nagar and Peer Baba colony will get the pipelines and tiles at costs of Rs 85.8 lajh and 91.3 lakh, respectively. Officials said that the tenders have been floated and work will begin soon.

“We have initiated the process and floated tenders for four colonies. We are going to start the work of laying water pipelines and gradually other infrastructure requirements will also be covered,” said an MCG official privy to the matter.

These four colonies were parts of the 13 colonies, which were regularised in October last year under Haryana Management of Civic Amenities and Infrastructure Deficient Areas Outside Municipal Area (Special Provisions) Act, 2021.

MCG has decided to meanwhile survey 294 illegal colonies in the city for which a proposal has been prepared and a tender to hire a private agency will be floated soon.

According to the norms introduced by the govt in Aug 2023, colonies with an approach road having 6m or more width and internal roads having 3m or more width, are eligible for regularisation.

Chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar had recently announced regularisation of 264 illegal colonies across the state. Out of these, 173 fall under the jurisdiction of ULB department and the remaining are with the department of town and country planning (DTCP).

Out of 173 colonies, 44 are in Gurgaon, five in Faridabad, three in Panchkula, two in Nuh among others. With the regularisation of these colonies, basic amenities like roads, sewage, water supply, and streetlights will be provided to the residents living in these colonies. The govt has granted administrative approval of Rs 438 crore for the development of these colonies and has already released Rs 54 crore to start the work.

  • Published On Feb 27, 2024 at 08:59 AM IST

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