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KDA starts prepping for ‘New Kanpur City’ project, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

KANPUR: Kanpur Development Authority (KDA) on Saturday started purchasing land from tenant farmers for its flagship project ‘New Kanpur City’. As many as six tenant farmers sold their land and KDA paid them four times of circle rates as cost of land.

The first registry was executed by one private tenant farmer Ketaki Kushwaha in favour of KDA and in response vice chairman KDA Vishak G Iyer handed her a draft of sale consideration and a box of sweets. Thereafter five more private tenant farmers sold and executed the registry of their land in favour of KDA.

New Kanpur City Plan was started by the Kanpur Development Authority about 27 years ago, but due to various reasons this plan could not be started on time. At present, with the special and continuous efforts of the Vice President, this flagship scheme is being brought to the ground with the purchasing of land.

“New Kanpur City” has been proposed by the KDA in an area of 153.21 hectares located in villages Singhpur Kachar, Sambharpur, Gangpur Chakbada and Hindupur between Mainawati Marg and Kalyanpur-Bithoor Road. The salient features of this scheme are that the number of residential plots is approximately 1350, with area between 90 square meters to 450 square meters, and total number of commercial plots is approximately 222.

In addition to commercial plots, group housing, malls and institutional plots will be available in this project. Vice chairman hoped that the implementation of New Kanpur City Plan would prove to be very useful for the general public as well as the businessmen of Kanpur .

  • Published On Jan 7, 2024 at 01:15 PM IST

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