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Kochi Metro Rail to start phase II construction from today, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

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KOCHI: Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) will begin the construction works of the viaduct and CEZ Metro station, which are part of the Phase II (Pink Line), on Saturday.

Industry minister P Rajeeve will formally inaugurate the works at the proposed site of the CEZ Metro station at 2pm in the presence of Hibi Eden MP, Uma Thomas MLA, and others.

After the formal inauguration, Afcons Infrastructure Ltd which won the contract for the Rs 1,957.05 crore Pink Line project, will start the piling works for the viaduct. After completing the tender process KMRL had officially awarded the contract for the construction of the 11.2 km long viaduct to Afcons for Rs 1,141.32 crore. As per the contract, the duration of the work is 20 months.

If the 11.2 km construction works can be completed on time, KMRL will get the title of the fastest metro construction agency in India. The construction works of the Phase II project are expected to be completed in two years, a press note issued by KMRL stated.

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has already approved financial assistance of Rs 914 crore for the construction of the Phase II project. KMRL MD, Loknath Behera, had earlier said that the funding agency approved the financial assistance for Phase II, and the KMRL will sign a contract with the agency in Oct.

Kochi Metro has already conducted more than five test pilings in different parts of the proposed route from JLN Stadium to Infopark prior to starting the construction works. Soil tests were also conducted in various places along the alignment of the viaduct, and a topography survey was also conducted on the viaduct alignment. The new stations are going to be constructed at Palarivattom Junction, Palarivattom Bypass, Chembumukku, Vazhakkala, Padamughal, Kakkanad Junction, Cochin SEZ, Chittethukara, KINFRA, and Infopark.

The KMRL is also planning to complete the system and signalling works within four months after completing the viaduct works. Meanwhile, the KMRL is yet to convene a meeting to discuss the alternate routes to be opened to avoid traffic congestion on the route from the city to the Kakkanad region due to the Metro construction works.

  • Published On Sep 7, 2024 at 12:30 PM IST

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