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Land Use Of Facilities May Not Be Fixed, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

INDORE: Indore district administration and Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) on Wednesday gave some suggestions to town and country planning department to ensure overall development of district catering to the population that is expected to cross 60 lakh mark in next around 20 years.

The suggestions were given with an aim to publish first draft of Indore’s master plan 2041. In a meeting, T&CP joint director Subhashis Banerjee briefed collector Ilayaraja T, IMC commissioner Harshika Singh and other senior officials about the proposal of master plan. Many provisions and planning of entire Indore city with its extended areas after adding 90 villages will be included in the proposal.

It was proposed in the master plan that land use of different facilities including residential, commercial and industrial, will not be fixed. But permissions will be given based on width of the roads.

During the meeting, the collector asked T&CP officials to not propose major roads through dense residential areas to avoid demolishing the same for construction of routes. He also emphasized on ground truthing of the areas, which have been proposed as green belt. The belt shouldn’t have any residential structures on it as in such case the colonies remain illegal and face many objections in legalization.

He also pointed out that methods to map projected population of Indore in next 20 years should be more accurate as it would be the base of planning for further development of Indore.

In the meeting, a proposal of an extended planning area of Sanwer was also discussed.

The T&CP joint director said, plan is being prepared for development of the tehsil keeping in view the increasing number of devotees/tourists due to the construction of Shri Mahakal Lok and Indore-Ujjain Corridor. He emphasized on demarcation of Sanwer investment region in view of the proposal of construction of the Western Ring Road.

“Both the plans will be finalized after discussion and taking consent of public representatives,” the collector said.

  • Published On Dec 28, 2023 at 12:00 PM IST

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