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Major Delays in 11km Road Project Linking Dwarka Expressway to Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway Due to Encroachments, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

GURUGRAM: A detailed project report (DPR) on revamp of a crucial stretch that links Dwarka expressway to Delhi-Gurgaon expressway has been ready for nearly a year but the project remains in limbo.

The plan includes upgrading the stretch from IFFCO Chowk to Dwarka expressway via Sukhrali, Mahavir Chowk, Old Railway Road, and Basai Road.

While approval for the project was received in Oct 2022, GMDA has not been able to start the work, mainly due to land constraints and encroachments along the way. At Basai, the road width has been reduced to 40m from 60m as residents have illegally extended their structures and these need to be demolished.

However, GMDA said that the demolition drive could face stiff opposition from owners and further delay the project. In addition to this, GMDA is also facing land constraints for constructing a parallel rail over bridge beside the existing one.

“There are some challenges that need to be worked out before we move ahead with the plan, including the illegal encroachments and land constraints. However, we are making efforts to revamp this stretch to smooth the movement of traffic in the old part of Gurgaon. An estimate for the project is being prepared,” said a senior official of GMDA.

Meanwhile, residents argue that unless GMDA finalises a timeline, the delay will only result in more inconvenience to the public and an increased budget. “Every day we experience a traffic jam on this stretch. There have been talks of the civic authorities redeveloping this stretch, but no progress has been made in this regard,” said Harsh Bhola, a resident of Sector 9A.

The 11 km stretch includes two arterial roads- IFFCO Chowk to Mahavir Chowk (4.8km) and Old Railway Road to Dwarka Expressway (6.5km) and runs through densely populated areas covering unplanned colonies, wholesale markets, and commercial entities.

Unlike new Gurgaon’s wide, planned roads, the older parts of the city grapple with narrow roads, frequent traffic jams, illegal road cuts, and poorly managed traffic.

Under the project, GMDA has identified areas where it plans a grade separator to streamline the traffic flow. Besides the strengthening and widening of the road, the revamp plan also includes the provision of on-street parking, footpath infrastructure, and a utility duct to prevent unnecessary digging.

Once the project is complete, it will provide alternative connectivity, especially to those coming from Jhajjar into the city and vice versa. At present, most commuters travel through Basai flyover and then take Hero Honda Chowk. Apart from this, it will also provide an additional connection of Dwarka expressway to NH-48.

  • Published On Nov 29, 2024 at 05:00 PM IST

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