Today: Mar 15, 2025

MCM Drone Survey to Identify Illegal Colonies, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
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GURUGRAM: The Municipal Corporation of Manesar (MCM) will conduct a drone survey that will cover 1,000 acres of land to determine corporation-owned land and identify illegal colonies.

The first phase of the survey will aim at identifying unauthorised and authorised colonies. Bas Kushla, Bas Haria and Dhana are among the villages that will be covered in the first phase. Officials said the report on unauthorised colonies would be sent to the state govt to authorise the colonies. The survey will start in a week.

Officials also said that certain pockets of unauthorised colonies were left out when a survey was conducted a few years ago.

They will now be covered so that the details can be sent to the state govt for their authorisation.

“The first phase will cover unauthorised colonies. Later the remaining land under MCM’s jurisdiction will be covered. The survey report will help us plan better development work in Manesar. It will also help us keep a record of govt and private lands, and identify any encroachment on govt land,” MCM joint and additional commissioner Darshan Yadav said.

The agency has been directed to submit the report in 15 days from starting their work, said the officials. They added that community centres, chaupals and other govt buildings will be mapped after the survey.

Chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar had recently announced a regularisation of 264 illegal colonies across the state. Out of these, 173 fall under the jurisdiction of the ULB department and the remaining are with the department of town and country planning (DTCP). Out of 173 colonies, 44 are in Gurgaon, five in Faridabad, three in Panchkula and two in Nuh. After their regularisation, basic amenities like roads, sewage, water supply, and street lights would be made accessible to the residents of these colonies. The govt has granted administrative approval of Rs 438 crore for the development of these colonies and has released Rs 54 crore to start the work.

  • Published On Mar 8, 2024 at 11:00 AM IST

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