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New CRZ Relaxation Opens Doors for Construction in 10 Urban Panchayats of Ernakulam, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

KOCHI: The coastal areas in Ernakulam are set to change as more relaxations come in the construction activity restrictions on the state’s coastal and backwater shores with the release of the Kerala Coastal Zone Management Plan (KCZMP).

As per the KCZMP, 10 local bodies have become urban panchayats, which enables people living here to construct and reconstruct their homes, sheds, etc.

However, when it comes to the construction of commercial buildings, the local body will have to take permission from the Kerala Coastal Zone Management Authority (KCZMA). The new maps for 10 districts are available on the KCZMA website.

The new legally designated urban areas include Chellanam, Cheranalloor, Elamkunnapuzha, Kadamakkudy, Kumbalam, Kumbalangi, Mulavukad, Nayarambalam, Njarackal, and Varapuzha.

These local bodies came under the CRZ-II as they are close to the Kochi corporation or municipality and have a substantial built-up area of more than 50% and have drainage, approach roads, water supply, and sewerage connections. Earlier, under the CRZ 2011, residents living on the waterfront side could not construct or repair homes if the buildings were within 500m of the water body.

While panchayats are still waiting for the map from KCZMA to check the number of residents who got clearance according to the new plan, the residents are happy with the clearance. “Almost 90% of people living here will be able to undertake some construction activities, but there are some others who still await authorisation. We will be meeting them to decide on how to proceed further,” said Kadamakudy panchayat vice president Vipin Raj.

But coastal villages like Pallipuram and Kuzhupilly are still under CRZ IIIA. In these villages, the no-development zone has been redrawn as 50m from the HTL against 200m stipulated in the previous CRZ Notification, 2011.

However, concerns regarding the lack of modifications to the draft plan still persists. Residents along the Container Terminal Road have approached local bodies stating that they have not received the clearance. “Many people approached KCZMA with complaints pointing out the mistakes in the marking of no-development zones. In some cases, the committee visited the spot and took measurements. However, we are getting calls from many people that changes have not been made yet,” said Kerala Latin Catholic Association state president Sherry J Thomas.

Residents of Edavanakkad panchayat, who have been protesting against them not being added into CRZ-II category, are disappointed. “There has not been any change in our status,” said CRZ action council president Saliharan EK.

He said that there are at least 75 members who are entitled to homes under the Life Mission or PMAY. “Now, we won’t be able to get the benefit of these schemes. The state has not developed the Integrated Island Management Plan (IIMP), which is our next hope,” he added.

Panchayat officials said that they are waiting for a communication from the KCZMA allowing them to clear the permissions for dwelling units. “We will check in detail after that,” said Akbar VS, Mulavukkad panchayat president.

  • Published On Nov 30, 2024 at 03:30 PM IST

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