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Ngt Asks Dpcc To Verify Pollution Charges Against Concrete Plants, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

NEW DELHI: National Green Tribunal (NGT) has asked Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) to inspect various ready-mix concrete (RMC) plants being operated near a residential area in northeast Delhi, allegedly causing pollution.

A resident of Sabhapur Extension approached NGT, complaining that the plants near the area were causing air and noise pollution. A tribunal bench, headed by Justice Prakash Shrivastava, directed DPCC on Sept 23 to assess the ground situation and take appropriate remedial actions.

“Allegation of the applicant is that these RMC plants are creating air and noise pollution and are operating in violation of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 and Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000… Further allegation of the applicant is that noise generated from these RMC plants exceeds the permissible level and these plants are also creating severe air pollution and causing health hazard,” the order stated.

While no proper supporting material relating to the violations was enclosed in the application, except certain photographs without any geo-coordinate, date or time, and the applicant has also not impleaded the plants, NGT asked DPCC to step in to “ascertain the correct factual position at the ground level and take appropriate remedial action”.

It asked the applicant to file a comprehensive complaint along with all the supporting material to the DPCC member secretary. “If the allegation of the applicant is found to be correct, necessary remedial and punitive actions will be taken within three months from the date of receipt of the complaint by member secretary, DPCC,” the order stated.

  • Published On Sep 27, 2024 at 12:00 PM IST

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