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No integration with Bengaluru development body, other issues with Kaveri 2.0, ET RealEstate

BY: Melvin Mathew

BENGALURU: As Kaveri 2.0 is being hailed for its expedition of the process, there is still room for improvement. Users complain about the lack of BDA integration and issuance of Encumbrance Certificate (EC).

Kaveri 2.0 that launched a few months ago for speedy property registration has some property buyers worried. While some are facing issues with the existing features, some want more to be added.

Property buyers complained of delay in sales owing to a lack of BDA integration. “I was trying to complete the sale application using BDA Khatha. The BDA issues an eight-digit PID. When I enter the PID in the sale application, the Kaveri platform is supposed to fetch owner details. Additionally, the platform is also supposed to provide more details regarding the property like the size of the site’s left side and right side, different schedules of the property etc. However, when I enter the PID, I did not get any detail. I thought it is a bug on the platform.

Further, I contacted the sub-registrar of Jayanager and they inform me that they will raise a ticket regarding this,” said Sreenath, a Kaveri 2.0 user.

Sreenath said he also visited the office inspector general of registration to address the issue. “They also informed us that the platform is not capable of fetching the required information.

If BDA is not integrated with Kavery, chances of duplicate registration are high. The unique PID is not being utilised to prevent such actions,” he said.

According to him, if one enters the details manually and goes for registration, there is an issue with the Khatha transfer. As BDA does not have the required information they do not want to entertain as the new owner. Sreenath purchased a property this May after the rollout of Kaveri 2.0 and has paid the builder 80% of the amount. The buyer is insisting on completing the registration but due to the glitch in the platform, it is not getting completed. “Without BDA integration they should not have allowed Kaveri 2. 0,” he said.

Dhananjaya Padmanabhachar, sanchalak of Karnataka Home Buyers Forum said that this is not the only issue with the platform. “Officials have informed us that they are unable to complete the data migration from the previous version. They are unable to give the encumbrance certificate for the property. We do not know whether the government decided to skip all the testing before rolling out the new platform. BDA khatha is also not integrated with the new platform. ERC issued by BBMP to eliminate the khatha system also cannot be found. We are called the silicon city of India, but we are facing a lot of issues with the IT part of governance,” Padmanabhachar said.


  • Updated On Jul 30, 2023 at 05:21 PM IST
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  • Published On Jul 30, 2023 at 10:00 AM IST
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