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Redevelopment of Nargis Dutt Nagar to attract Rs 10,000 crore investment, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

MUMBAI: The redevelopment of Nargis Dutt Nagar, the biggest slum enclave in Bandra (W), is a lucrative proposal worth thousands of crores for developers. The sale component potential of about 10 lakh sq ft itself is worth around Rs 10,000 crore, said property market sources.

While Omkar will handle the rehabilitation of the 1,500-plus slum families and rehouse them free of cost on a portion of the land, its partner, Godrej Properties, will construct the free-sale component as a luxury residential project. A spokesperson for Omkar said the developer had nothing to do with the viral video that was circulated among the slumdwellers.

On Dec 9 last, representatives of Omkar, Godrej and some slumdwellers held a meeting with BJP Bandra MLA Ashish Shelar on taking the redevelopment project ahead.

“Total rehab construction area is approximately 5.4 lakh sq ft. The developer of the sale component [Godrej] will develop multi-storey sales towers offering 3- and 4-BHK apartments.

Total sales potential is about 10 lakh sq ft (carpet). The developer will also construct and handover a D P Road adjoining the project, which is currently encroached.

This will ease the traffic movement for Nargis Dutt Nagar residents. Balwadis, welfare centres, healthcare centres, libraries, society offices, community halls and religious structures are planned as per SRA norms,” said the spokesperson.

Nehal Khan, a resident of the slum enclave, said they have been kept in the dark. “The administrator appointed by the competent authority has been calling the shots for over five years now, and despite our complaints, no elections have been held to appoint a new society,” he said. Khan alleged that even the annexure 2 list (a survey of legitimate slumdwellers) was not prepared. “Many families are worried that they will be pushed away instead of being rehabilitated.”

However, the developer’s spokesperson claimed the Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) had issued a revised letter of intent on Sept 13, 2024, comprising 1,515 tenants as per the latest annexure 2, dated Aug 23, 2023. “Of the 1,515 tenants, 851 were deemed to be eligible for rehabilitation after completing the due scrutiny and compliances. Roshni Developers has taken the responsibility for facilitating the eligibility process of the remaining tenants to review their applications in adherence to SRA rules…Roshni Developers has been following all stipulated norms regarding various criteria of project development including rent payment to eligible tenants, and regulatory corpus…of Rs 40,000 per tenant, which will be allocated by SRA…towards the society maintenance,” said the spokesperson.

Old-timers said Nargis Dutt Nagar cropped up in the 1980s and initial attempts to remove the shanties were opposed by the late Congress MP Sunil Dutt.

  • Published On Dec 23, 2024 at 08:45 AM IST

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