Today: Mar 15, 2025

Rising Dust Pollution in Navi Mumbai, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
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NAVI MUMBAI: With open trucks and dumpers carrying construction debris plying unchecked and adding to rising dust pollution across the city, residents have complained about Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation’s (NMMC) inaction.

Earlier, the civic body had issued diktats to stop open vehicles from carrying debris from construction sites and warned of strict action against perpetrators. This, however, has not deterred debris mafia, contractors and builders from ferrying construction waste in open dumpers and polluting the atmosphere. Green activists claim the anti-nuisance squad of the NMMC is nowhere to be seen.

Following protests by environmentalists and citizens’ groups against worsening air quality index, NMMC had started serving notices on builders and construction sites for violation of dust mitigation compliances, but in vain.

“It has become a regular practice on part of civic authorities to issue notices and sit back when it comes to cracking down on violators. Initially, the civic body beefed up vigilance to check dust pollution, but later the the drive slowed down and now uncovered dumpers are carrying debris all over the city with no fear of consequences,” said activist Dhanajay Suvarna.

NGO NatConnect Foundation had raised the issue and sought action to check air pollution, but it fell on deaf ears. While NMMC claimed it had warned of a penalty of Rs 10 per sq metre of the erring company or unit’s area, NatConnect argued that the amount is was too little when compared to the impact of the pollution on the health of the people. “More importantly, there is hardly any action against such activities. NMMC needs to take up this issue seriously and check pollution,” said resident Saikiran Shivthare.

Activist B N Kumar pointed out that the air quality has turned very poor at several places with particulate matter (PM) and carbon monoxide (CO) way beyond the levels prescribed by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

  • Published On Feb 13, 2024 at 11:00 AM IST

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