Today: Mar 15, 2025

Soon, Own Enforcement & Land Procurement Cells For Gmda To Check Encroachments, ET RealEstate

GURUGRAM: GMDA has decided to constitute two cells — enforcement and land procurement teams — to check encroachments on sector roads and green spaces within its limits.

The enforcement cell will carry out surveys in 42 villages, falling within the authority’s jurisdiction, to identify illegal construction. They will also work on procurement of land for developing infrastructure projects in the city.

Both the cells will work in coordination with other agencies, including DTCP and MCG.

A senior GMDA official said the survey of identified villages will be carried out to find out unauthorised construction. The newly constituted enforcement cell under GMDA district town planner RS Batth will conduct demolition drives against unauthorised construction in controlled area.

Batth said procuring change in land use and other mandatory permissions are must before carrying out any construction in these area. He further said that priority will be to keep green belts free from any kind of encroachments.

When asked about the objective of these cells, a senior GMDA official said that the department is planning to involve different wings of the concerned departments to resolve the issue of encroachment on city roads in a comprehensive manner.

“We are also planning to ensure that the encroachers and unauthorised construction do not redevelop the demolished areas. The cleared areas will be fenced and barricades to stop offenders from encroaching the area again” he said. On the other hand, land procurement cell of the authority will work on land procurement for creating and upgrading infrastructure. The cell will also be involved in preparing of proposal and completion of project along with urban planning and revenue department.

Another official said that many projects mainly road related have been stuck for long time either due to non availability or encroachment on the land. The cell will take lead in resolving the issues by talking to land owners and concerned parties, he said.

  • Published On Mar 21, 2024 at 11:00 AM IST

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