Today: Mar 14, 2025

Supply power to only buildings with OCs, KERC tells Bescom, ET RealEstate

BENGALURU: Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) has directed all electricity supply companies in the state, including Bescom, to comply with a recent Supreme Court judgment mandating service connections, including electricity, to buildings only after production of completion/occupancy certificate.

In its Dec 17, 2024 judgment, Supreme Court had also mandated that completion certificates be issued to new buildings only if the sanctioned plan is adhered to and violations, if any, are rectified.

The KERC directive applies to Mangalore, Hubli, Chamundeshwari and Gulbarga electricity supply companies and Hukkeri rural electricity cooperative society.

TOI had reported on Jan 24 about a similar directive from BBMP chief commissioner Tushar Giri Nath to Bescom and BWSSB not to provide electricity, water or sewerage connections to buildings without occupancy certificates. The directive was formally communicated to both utilities on Jan 9 as part of efforts to curb rampant building violations in Bengaluru.

BBMP had also urged Bescom and BWSSB to withdraw existing power, water and sewerage connections to buildings flagged as unauthorized or in violation of sanctioned plans. Further, before granting temporary utility connections, the agencies must verify A-khata certificates and approved building plans to prevent illegal constructions from accessing essential services.

According to the SC order accessed by TOI, builders have been mandated to hand over possession only after obtaining completion certificate and display the approved plan at the construction site when work is under way. Authorities must conduct periodic inspections and maintain official records before issuing occupancy certificates. Unauthorized buildings must not receive business licenses or service connections, and violations should result in strict action, including penalties against officials responsible.

BWSSB chairman Ram Prasath Manohar told TOI the board has been imposing 50% of the water bill as penalty on buildings which have availed water connection without OCs since 2016, but has not yet received an official directive from Supreme Court.

Senior BBMP officials confirmed they have been instructed to issue notices to property owners who have failed to obtain OCs.

What apex court said

Building handover: Builders must hand over possession only after obtaining completion/occupancy certificate

Display of approved plan: A copy of approved building plan must be displayed at construction site throughout construction period

Periodic inspections: Authorities must inspect premises regularly and maintain records of inspections

Issuance of completion certificate: Completion/occupation certificate must be issued only after verifying compliance with approved plans, and deviations, if any, rectified

Service connections: Electricity, water and sewerage connections should be provided only upon submission of completion/occupancy certificate

Action on violations: If violations are found post-certification, immediate legal action must be taken against builder/owner/occupant, and officials responsible for wrongful certification must face departmental proceedings

Source: SC judgment in CA 14605/2024.

  • Published On Mar 14, 2025 at 12:00 PM IST

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