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Teething Issues Mar Property Data Digitisation Drive Of Mcc, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

MANGALURU: Residents have expressed displeasure regarding the Mangaluru City Corporation’s (MCC) ongoing door-to-door campaign to digitise property data.

Many property owners have raised concern about the need to re-submit copies of documents, such as building completion certificates, occupancy certificates, building licences, and khata or title deeds, to the MCC.

They argue that these documents should already be in the MCC’s possession, as they were originally issued by the MCC itself.

Corporator and chief whip of MCC council, Premanand Shetty, said that the government had not directed the MCC officials to collect copies of documents from property owners.

“MCC needs to update data on e-kanaja software as per the KMF 24 survey, but our city corporation has failed to do it. The state government has been insisting upon the MCC for the past two years, to complete the data entry on properties in the city. Bill collectors of the city corporation have also been given a login option to enter property data. The data will have to be verified by revenue inspectors. I have gone through all communications of the government, pertaining to property data digitisation. The government has not directed the city corporation to collect documents from the property owners. However, officials are insisting upon people to submit documents,” Shetty said. The KMF 24 portal seeks details, including the extent of land, measurement of buildings, details pertaining to tax payment and additional information on underground drainage connection, he said. “There is no logic in seeking documents from the property owners. People have been taking corporators to task, and asking us why they should submit documents,” he said.

An official from the revenue section of the MCC said that the government issued directions in September this year, to update details of all properties, including residential, commercial, and industrial buildings, on the e-kanaja software. “We did not have supplementary documents to continue the process.

While the city corporation has identified 2,13,417 properties, data of 16,000 are updated on the software. It is necessary that the public should cooperate by providing necessary documents if the data of all properties are to be updated on the e-kanaja software,” the official said.

Public notices regarding the process have been distributed through multi-purpose workers requesting people to provide copies of the building competition certificate, occupancy certificate, building licence, khata/title deed, electricity bill, water bill, PAN Card/ voter ID and photos, the official said.

  • Published On Nov 13, 2023 at 11:00 AM IST

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