Today: Mar 15, 2025

Town Planner Steps Up Heat On Illegal Colonies, Launches Survey, Razes Two, ET RealEstate

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GURUGRAM: The enforcement wing of town and country planning department (DTCP) launched a survey to identify illegal colonies which have come up in and around the city in the past two years.

Two illegal colonies, which were carved out on over 12 acres without the approval of competent authorities and in violation of Haryana Urban Development Act, 1975, were demolished in IMT Manesar on Thursday in presence of police personnel.

Officials said that the department had carried out a detailed survey in 2022, but since then several colonies have been redeveloped by the offenders.

A senior official said that the survey in Farrukhnagar is likely to be completed soon and the department has already started issuing show-cause notices to the offenders, who indulged in carving out illegal colonies without permission and other mandatory approvals. “In the survey, the enforcement team is verifying records and related approvals of all existing colonies in these areas. If they are found to have been developed without permission, action will be initiated against them,” he said.

“During the survey of around 25-30 colonies, the team identified two to three new colonies at the initial stage of development. Show-cause notices have been issued to the land owners. After the survey, a demolition drive will be launched within two weeks against such colonies,” said district town planner (enforcement) Manish Yadav.

“The land owners of two such colonies were directed to procure licences under the Deen Dayal Scheme. Similarly, in an illegal colony, the land owner restored the colony land and obtained CLU on some part and restored one colony back as agricultural land for farming,” he added. He further said that there are strict instructions from higher officials to tighten the noose on illegal colonies.

In the last few months, the department has taken action against builders, who are trying to carve out illegal colonies. The offenders along with property dealers are cheating investors by not disclosing the legal status of the colonies and advertising connectivity to IGI airport and other amenities.

  • Published On Feb 9, 2024 at 08:43 AM IST

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