Today: Mar 18, 2025

UP Cabinet Approves Major Restructuring of Urban Development Department, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

LUCKNOW: To overhaul structure of urban local bodies completely, specialised officials would be deputed to deal with urban planning, environmental issues and animal welfare. UP govt gave its go-ahead to the urban development department to restructure the cadre posts.

From the current sanctioned strength of 3,085, number of positions would increase to 6,686. New cadre services such as planning, environment, and animal welfare would be created to appoint specialised officials. For efficient results, ULBs will be divided into three categories on the basis of local population.

Such large-scale restructuring has been carried out within the department for the first time in past five decades. The department plays a crucial role in providing services and amenities to the urban population. It is expected that in next 30 years, proportion of urban to rural population in the state will grow from the present 24% to 50%.

Pushing for rapid urbanisation since 2017, number of urban local bodies has gone up from 650 to 762. Besides upgrading 112 remote localities into towns, the Yogi Adityanath govt has also been instrumental in expanding the limits of 119 existing municipal councils (nagar palikas) and town councils (nagar panchayats).

Officials said the urban development department now oversees a wide array of ambitious projects and schemes that go far beyond traditional municipal functions. Smart City, Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (urban) and various other state and Centre-sponsored schemes aimed at improving ease of living within cities are implemented by the civic bodies.

Principal secretary of the department, Amrit Abhijat, said, “Our cadre structure was finalised in a different era. A lot of new challenges and complexities have evolved in the day-to-day functioning of the civic bodies. Overhauling of the cadre is not just an administrative change. It is a strategic move, essential to provide manpower with a specialised skill set for specific roles. ULBs also have an important role to play in strengthening the economy of the state.”

Sharing more details, another officer added that positions for civil engineers had gone up from the present 418 to 1,517, while new staff would be roped in for landscaping, horticulture works, management of stray animals, designing, planning, architecture, information technology, data management, e-office, and operating specialised motor vehicles and devices.

Two new cadre posts (environmental officer and town planner) have been created as well. Nagar palikas and panchayats would get tax and account officials soon after new posts are created.

  • Published On Sep 27, 2024 at 11:00 AM IST

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