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What’s causing outages in Gr Noida West? Discom team to visit condos, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
Representative Image

NOIDA: A team set up by Noida Power Company Limited (NPCL) will inspect electrical infrastructure in gated societies, starting with 14 highrises in Greater Noida West. The team will examine their internal power network, serve notices of repair/ramp-up where necessary and subsequently inform the district administration and GNIDA.

NPCL — which provides power to Greater Noida West, including the 104 highrises there — will hold inspections in phases. The list of societies to be investigated has been prepared.

The first phase of inspections began with Supertech Eco Village 1 last week, where NPCL served the society a notice for several internal electrical flaws including overloading, equipment faults and lack of electrical maintenance. Inspections were also held at Mahagun Mywoods and Gaur City 7th Avenue on Monday. An inspections is scheduled for Fusion Homes on Tuesday and inspections at other societies on the list will follow.

During inspections, the NPCL team along with some experts will assess the internal infrastructure of these societies and provide instructions for improvement if any deficiencies are found.

“If any flaw is found, a notice will be issued to the builder and instructions will be given to repair the structure,” said Sarnath Ganguly, vice president (Operations), NPCL.

The move follows frequent outages due to poor internal infrastructure these past few days at highrises like Panchsheel Hynish, Supertech Eco Village 1 and Vedantam Society . Notices will be issued to builder management to make necessary improvements based on the inspection’s findings, officials said.

“The team will check whether the electrical infra within the society is sufficient to cater to the load during peak demand and whether preventive maintenance schedules and maintenance records are maintained. It will also check the load of the high tension (HT) line system and conduct the partial discharge (PD) test to check for any electrical discharge. Also, what is their plan in case of a breakdown of any equipment? Will they be able to provide supply power to all residents after isolating faulty equipment,” said Ganguly, adding that dedicated teams with required testing instrument have been formed to conduct the technical audit.On May 30, the first inspection was carried out at Supertech Eco Village 1. A notice was later sent to the management regarding structure flaws including high electrical PD discharge, faulty relay settings, unhealthy trip circuit, seepage along with no annual maintenance and transformers installed without clearance from the state govt’s directorate of electrical safety (DOES).

  • Published On Jun 4, 2024 at 08:58 AM IST

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