Realty Beat

Chandigarh housing board allottees cry harassment over rule tweak, lax service delivery, ET RealEstate


CHANDIGARH: “Pure and simple harassment” is what Chandigarh Housing Board (CHB) allottees say when asked to describe their interaction with the board.

The issues related to CHB’s “poor” delivery of services and procedural complexities were taken up in a recent meeting of the administrator’s advisory council and the CHB board of directors.

Shakti Prakash Devshali, a non-official director of the CHB board, said, “CHB officials issue show-cause notices to the allottees based on anonymous complaints. People make up complaints about building rule violations owing to personal issues or to blackmail the allottees. There are vested interests in and outside the CHB, which try to exploit this.”

Devshali, said the CHB officials also harass allottees over mistakes in the spellings of their names in official documents. “Officials are reluctant to rectify the errors even after the allottees submit supporting documents for the same and get these notified in the govt gazette,” he added.

Baljinder Singh Bittu from the Federation of Sectors Welfare Association Chandigarh, said, “Allottees of 3-4 marla plots in Sector 41 face delays in getting plans sanctioned by CHB. Even after running from pillar to post, little help comes from CHB officials. ” Bittu also drew attention to frequent changes in rules by CHB. “A change in officers at the CHB’s helm also leads to changes in the rules impacting the allottees,” he added.

The allottees cited the example of lifts in multi-storey complexes. Though it was granted long time ago, they said CHB is still not sanctioning changed building plans for the same.

  • Published On Mar 4, 2025 at 09:37 AM IST

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