Realty Beat

Citizens’ feedback sought on proposed property rates in Bhopal, ET RealEstate


BHOPAL: The proposed collector guidelines on property rates in Bhopal district for the financial year 2025-26 were uploaded on the Sampada portal following a meeting of the District Evaluation Committee chaired by District Collector Kaushlendra Vikram Singh

Local MLA Bhagwandas Sabnani, who opposed the revision of collector guideline rates in the previous year along with Bhopal MP Alok Sharma and CREDAI, was also present at the meeting.

Following the meeting, the district administration stated that, based on proposals received from primary evaluation committees, final proposals on collector guideline rates, also known as circle rates of property, were prepared and uploaded on the Sampada portal. People can view these proposals and provide their suggestions at the office of the collector, the office of the registrar at Pari Bazaar, and the ISBT office in Bhopal until 5.00 pm on March 19.

Meanwhile, President of CREDAI, Bhopal, Manoj Singh Meek, who led the agitation against the increase in collector guideline rates in Bhopal in 2024, said that CREDAI continues to maintain its stance that collector guideline rates in Bhopal should not change for at least three years. He further mentioned that no online link has been provided for people to easily view the proposed rates on the Sampada portal, and logging in to the portal is a difficult task that the majority of people will not be able to do.

If hundreds of people log in to the portal in the next few days, the portal, already facing problems due to a slow server and limited bandwidth, may collapse, making it difficult for people to provide their suggestions within the four-day timeframe.

  • Published On Mar 15, 2025 at 08:43 AM IST

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