Realty Beat

Court sends bank New India Cooperative Bank’ GM, builder to judicial custody, ET RealEstate

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MUMBAI: Hitesh Mehta, General Manager and head of accounts at the New India Cooperative Bank, and real estate developer Dharmesh Paun, both arrested in the Rs 122 crore embezzlement case, were produced before a court on Thursday. The court sent the duo to judicial custody.

The accused were to be produced on Friday when their police custody was to end, but EOW sought an extension for further investigation. “As per the new BNS rules, we can get their custody again if we get more information and want to question them. So, we have reserved our police custody period,” said an EOW officer.

EOW has also arrested Abhimanyu Bhoan (45), bank’s ex-CEO. An electronics engineer and an MBA graduate, Bhoan was appointed as the vice president of the bank (IT department) in 2009.

“In Dec 2019, Bhoan was appointed the CEO of the bank for five years during which misappropriation of funds took place. He was the bridge between the bank’s management and administration. Police have also summoned auditors from the companies/firms in this case.

  • Published On Mar 1, 2025 at 09:56 AM IST

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