GREATER NOIDA: Gautam Buddha Nagar Police have arrested the director of a real estate company in connection with the Hathras land scam, an officer said on Thursday. The scam is linked to the alleged irregularities in the acquisition of about 42 hectares of land by the Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) in 2011-12.
Assistant Commissioner of Police (Noida Zone I) Praveen Kumar Singh said that Vivek Kumar Jain, the director of ‘Himalaya Infra Private Limited,’ was arrested from the Beta-2 police station area here on Wednesday.
He added that the company in which Jain is a director is a shell company. Jain was produced in a Meerut court, from where he was sent to 14-day judicial custody.
In 2019, a case was registered against several individuals, including the then Chief Executive Officer of YEIDA, PC Gupta; Chief Development Officer (CDO) Satish Kumar; OSD B P Singh; Tehsildars Suresh Chand and Ranveer Singh and Naib Tehsildar Chaman Singh.
The police have filed a chargesheet in the court against 12 accused, including two Tehsildars, in this case.