Farmers, developers say e-khatas stalling their property sales, ET RealEstate

January 9, 2025
1 min read
Farmers, developers say e-khatas stalling their property sales, ET RealEstate


BENGALURU: Discontent brewing among developers over e-khata mandate for registration of property transactions spilled over at Bengaluru Urban grievance redressal meeting at Bangalore Urban Zilla Panchayat Hall in Banashankari Thursday.

The farmers, builders and developers, who participated in the meeting chaired by Jagadeesha G, deputy commissioner and district magistrate of Bengaluru Urban District, said that they are finding it tough to get e-khatas and without the document, their plans to sell their properties have stalled. The participants at the meeting were from urban district areas, but beyond BBMP jurisdiction.

“E-khata is a good initiative by the govt for curbing illegal buying and selling of properties. But there are a lot of hiccups in getting e-khatas in non-BBMP areas and all kinds of objections are being raised to deny the document to us,” said developer and Alur gram panchayat member HM Jagadish Gowda to resounding applause from peers.

Developer Manjunatha V said that registrations have been halted without any notice being issued in advance. “They have stopped site registrations, saying it is illegal. We did what we were doing for the past 30 years — get a khata and plan approval from the gram panchayat. But now e-khata is not being given saying it is revenue land. How do we go ahead? We are seeking a few months’ time so we can change the land use. The sudden stopping of registration is not the way to go.”

Satish Kadatanamale, a developer and BJP functionary from Yelahanka, said that his ancestral property is in the green zone. “The population of Bengaluru city has increased and commensurate to that, the green zone tag has to be lifted, to make way for more houses to come up. But we are unable to sell our land, even while the next-door property in yellow zone, where development is allowed, commands a value of Rs 10 crore per acre. This delay in turning the green zone to yellow zone is preventing the layout approvals,” he said, adding that until last month, approvals were given for revenue (agricultural) land sale.

  • Published On Jan 10, 2025 at 09:29 AM IST

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