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Fresh bid to revive hybrid IT park project in Porvorim, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate


PANAJI: After years of silence, the department of IT, electronics, and communication is making a fresh attempt to develop the hybrid IT park at Porvorim through a public-private partnership (PPP) model.

Through the Goa Information Technology Development Corporation (GITDC), the department wants to ink a concessionaire agreement to operate the hybrid IT park on a Build Lease Operate Transfer (BLOT) model. The department will provide a private entity two land parcels totaling 12,455sqm adjacent to Mall de Goa and several govt offices for the park.

The department intends to conduct a fresh market study and demand assessment to gauge the IT and startup sector’s interest and feasibility for the project. A comprehensive site analysis is also planned, covering aspects like location, connectivity, transportation impact, surrounding developments and infrastructure readiness.

The land where the project is slated to come up is classified under settlement (S1) zoning, allowing for a 200% floor area ratio (FAR) and a building height of up to 24m. It will have facilities like office space for IT companies and tech startups with ready-to-use facilities, conference rooms, digital library, cafeteria, retail/multi-use commercial space, pedestrianised park, recreational activities and other associated support facilities and services.

A department official said that the project could generate income in form of lease rent or revenue sharing for the department. The Info Tech Corporation of Goa sought a Rs 125 crore loan from the EDC and the NABARD in 2021 to set up the hybrid IT cluster, but the loan was not sanctioned as the EDC found it “difficult to assess the credit risk” of the project.

  • Published On Mar 3, 2025 at 08:52 AM IST

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