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George Washington’s Mount Vernon: Everything You Need to Know About the Historic Home

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What is the address of Mount Vernon?

The address is 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Mount Vernon, VA 22121.

What are the visiting hours for Mount Vernon?

The visiting hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. April through October, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. November through March.

Can you visit George Washington’s grave?

The tomb of George Washington and his wife, Martha, are open to the public. His final resting place is a brick tomb nestled alongside the fruit garden and nursery. You can also visit the old tomb, where Washington was first buried before being moved to the official tomb in 1831, 32 years after his death.

Who currently owns Mount Vernon?

George Washington’s Mount Vernon is owned and operated by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association.

Did George Washington have slaves?

Mount Vernon was also the home of hundreds of enslaved men, women, and children. “He depended on their labor to build and maintain his household and plantation,” states the official Mount Vernon website. “As a young man, Washington accepted slavery, but after the Revolutionary War, he began to question it…. He made his most public antislavery statement after his death. In his will, Washington ordered that his enslaved workers be freed at his wife’s death.” At the end of Washington’s life, there were 317 enslaved people working at Mount Vernon. You can read more about them here.

What can you see and do at Mount Vernon?

In addition to touring the home and grounds, visitors can also tour George Washington’s distillery and gristmill, located just 2.7 miles from the estate’s main entrance. While the distillery isn’t producing 11,000 gallons of liquor like it did back in 1799, it still produces small batch spirits for visitors to taste and learn from. Mount Vernon also has a historic area where you can explore more than a dozen historic outbuildings, including a blacksmith shop, smokehouse, stables, and spinning house.

What upcoming events are happening at Mount Vernon this year?

If you missed the Garden Sale on April 26 and 27 or Mount Vernon’s Revolutionary War Weekend on May 4 and May 5, the estate has many more events to look forward to, such as the Spring Wine Festival and Sunset Tour and the annual Martha Washington Lecture.

How much time should I allocate for a visit to Mount Vernon?

“There is so much to see at Mount Vernon. One could spend the better part of a day here, but we recommend at least three hours,” Almacy tells AD. You can book your ticket and select a tour time by visiting

Is there a virtual tour of Mount Vernon?

If you’re unable to visit Mount Vernon, the estate’s official website has an interactive virtual tour that takes you through every room in the home.

Have other presidents visited Mount Vernon?

Nearly every president has come to Mount Vernon, according to the official Mount Vernon Website. Thomas Jefferson visited in 1801, Theodore Roosevelt visited several times in the early 1900s, and John F. Kennedy visited in 1961.

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