Gr Noida homebuyers protest at Jantar Mantar over pending registries, ET RealEstate

December 12, 2023
1 min read
greater noida homebuyers take registry protest to jantar mantar

NOIDA: Residents of several societies in Greater Noida West held a protest at Jantar Mantar over pending registries of their flats .

After a year-long protest at Ek Murti Chowk, homebuyers alleged that no action had been taken on the pending registries and completion of stalled projects. Hence, “to highlight the plight of residents and draw the attention of the Prime Minister”, they have gathered at the most popular site for holding protests in the capital.

Blaming the sluggish movement of files between the authorities in state and the central government departments, Abhishek Kumar, president of the New Era Flat Owners Association (NEFOWA), said, “Over lakh registries are pending. It is time for officials to move beyond files and prioritise the needs of the residents. Our plea is against the repetition of tendering processes. Instead, we seek tangible progress — completion of projects followed by their registration and construction of a metro station. These are vital for the development of Greater Noida West too.”

Mihir Gautam, convener of the registry and possession movement of the homebuyers, added, “It is hard to believe that the government is unable to understand the plight of these homebuyers who are being extorted by authorities and builders.”

Despite the recommendations from the Amitabh Kant Committee, aimed to resolve registry and possession-related issues, Dipankar Gupta, a resident of Panchsheel Greens2, points out “the nonchalant behaviours of the authorities”, leaving thousands of homebuyers in limbo.

  • Published On Dec 11, 2023 at 08:57 AM IST

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