NOIDA: With just two months left for the financial year to end, GNIDA is ramping up efforts to recover pending water bills. So far, only Rs 38 crore out of the targeted Rs 68 crore (55%) has been collected. Over 270 major defaulters—spanning industrial, institutional, group housing, and commercial categories—whose dues are above Rs 50,000 have recently been issued notices.
The Authority has asked allottees to either pay their dues or raise complaints if they have any billing grievances. Officials clarified that water charges apply from the date of possession after a completion certificate is issued, even if the water supply is not being used. This rule is clearly stated in the lease agreements.
Last year, it recovered Rs 44 crore against a target of Rs 61 crore (72%). This year, the target has been increased, and steps are being taken to improve collection, senior manager Rajesh Gautam added.
Meanwhile, the Authority has decided to install smart water meters across all types of properties, including residential societies, industries, and commercial establishments.
The meters aim to curb water wastage, simplify bill generation, and improve dues recovery. Officials said CEO Ravi Kumar NG has instructed the water department to prioritise the installation of these meters, primarily in bulk water users like group housing societies. With more than 300 societies in Greater Noida, this initiative is expected to make a big difference.
Later on, the project will be expanded to cover other categories of properties like industrial, institutional, and commercial. As part of a pilot project, the Authority installed water meters in two housing societies in Nov.
The trial lasted a month, and officials are now awaiting the project report to plan full-scale implementation.