GURUGRAM: The MCG enforcement team on Friday imposed a hefty penalty of Rs 5 lakh on a builder for violating the construction ban under Graded Response Action Plan — Stage 4.
When the team monitored Zone-2, they found construction work ongoing at the site in Sector 113 despite the ban.
The team immediately halted the construction and imposed the fine.
They gave a strict warning to the project head to ensure compliance with the GRAP-4 regulations and not to carry out any construction as long as the ban is in effect.
The corporation teams also issued penalties for littering on Friday.
“The Commission for Air Quality Management has banned all types of construction and demolition activities in the Delhi-NCR region under the fourth phase of the GRAP. Despite the ban, the construction activities are taking place and the corporation teams are continuously taking action against those who have not stopped construction activities,” MCG spokesperson SS Rohilla said.
Meanwhile, during their area surveillance, the sanitation branch team discovered that a motorcycle service centre in Wazirabad was responsible for littering in a public place.
The team, led by sanitation inspector Jitender Kumar, found that the service station operators were dumping waste on the road.
The team immediately issued a fine of Rs 5,000 to the owner, Rajesh, and warned him not to dispose of garbage in public places, otherwise further legal action would be taken against him.
The residents said that construction work persists without interruption at residential and commercial sites, disregarding the GRAP restrictions.
They said that the MCG needs to enforce stricter controls and regulations.
“The existing monetary fines have failed to prevent builders and property owners from continuing their construction projects. The ongoing building activities exacerbate air pollution levels, whilst residents cope with deteriorating air conditions,” Shrey Sharma, a resident of Sector 43, said.