100-day Challenge To Complete Pmay Houses, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

BHUBANESWAR: The housing and urban development department has launched a one-of-its-kind 100 Days’ Challenge for all the urban local bodies (ULB) of the state as part of which the best-performing ULB for building the housing projects under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) Urban will be awarded handsomely.

“The challenge has been thrown open by the department with an objective of fostering a competitive spirit among the ULBs. It has been conceptualised to recognise effective planning, swift implementation and as a result, better outcome of projects with higher grounding and also the completion of houses under PMAY-U,” reads the award guideline.

In a letter to municipal commissioners and executive officers of the ULBs, additional secretary of the urban development department, Debasis Singh, said under PMAY-U, 28,472 units are under various stages of construction, which must be completed before December 2024.

Further, 18,769 dwelling units have also been sanctioned in the last three months which should be started immediately.

“It is needless to mention that these houses must be completed before the closure of the programme. We are just about one year away from the closure of the scheme, which translates into a tall target, he said.

Singh mentioned in the letter that completion of these 47,000-odd houses within the stipulated time has a direct impact on the release of the third instalment of funds from the Union ministry of housing and urban affairs.

In order to achieve the target, the 100 Days’ Challenge, which began on November 24 and will end on March 4, 2024, has been launched for the ULBs where they will be judged in two categories such as start and completion of the dwelling units .

  • Published On Nov 29, 2023 at 01:00 PM IST

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