1,286 Buildings Declared Unsafe in Nagpur Fire Audit

NAGPUR: A fresh fire audit by Nagpur Municipal Corporation’s fire and emergency services department revealed that a total of 1,848 high-rise and special buildings lack firefighting arrangements, which is in violation of section 6 of the Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Life Saving Measures Act.

The department has declared 1,286 of them as unsafe and served notices to occupants to vacate the buildings, said a senior fire department official.

The fire audit was carried out by staff of nine fire stations across the city.

TOI has been constantly highlighting the importance of fire fighting arrangements in high-rise buildings.

The data revealed that owners of 5,595 buildings had obtained no objection certificates from the fire department, of which 772 were under construction while 903 had obtained fire compliance certificates.

To enforce the firefighting arrangements as priority, the department has also directed government departments concerned, including OCWL and MSEDCL, to disconnect water and power supplies respectively to 821 buildings.

The fire department has also filed criminal cases against owners of 122 buildings under section 36 of the Act. Instructions have been given to the police department to act.

Besides, as many as five cases have already been filed in the district court, the official said. Most of the violations were related to lack of firefighting arrangements and constructions against the sanctioned plan.

  • Published On Dec 4, 2023 at 11:00 AM IST

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