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2k Residential Plots Near Airport? Yamuna Authority Starts Survey, ET RealEstate

NOIDA: The Yamuna Authority has initiated a survey to acquire around 3,778 acres of land across four upcoming sectors. Of this, Sector 5 will be for residential purposes, Sector 6 for industrial use, and Sectors 7 and 8 for mixed land use.

According to officials, the survey work would be completed in 15 days. Subsequently, the Authority will expedite the process of purchasing land for these sectors.

“During the survey, it will be determined what kind of construction works have been done on the land set for acquisition. After the survey report is available, a proposal for acquisition will be prepared and sent to the district administration to move the acquisition process forward,” an official said.

According to officials, 942 acres of land will be acquired for Sector 5, 859 acres for Sector 6, 1,167 acres for Sector 7, and 810 acres for Sector 8.

In the residential sector, over 2,000 plots will be offered to people interested in building houses near the airport. Sector 6 will be entirely dedicated to setting up industries.

In Sectors 7 and 8, multiple land uses will be allowed. In other words, industries can be established on 70% of the total plot, residential activities can take place on 10%, commercial activities on 13%, institutional activities on 5%, and other activities on 2%. This would enable industries to build houses and set up shops and offices for their employees, officials added.

As the sectors are near the Noida International Airport, industries related to the aviation sector and logistics hub will be given priority.

Meanwhile, a revised proposal has been sent to the Aligarh district administration for acquiring land for the logistics park in the Tappal-Bajna area. Previously, a proposal sent to the Aligarh district administration for land acquisition was returned as the plot numbers provided in the proposal did not match the ones on the spot.

Additionally, the district administration has asked for the distribution of additional compensation for the land purchased for LFD (Land for Development) during the construction of the Yamuna Expressway, which has not been paid yet.

The Yamuna Authority has resubmitted the proposal with amendments, and the acquisition process will start soon.

  • Published On Jan 3, 2024 at 08:41 AM IST

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