40% Property Tax Collected, MCG to Waive Interest and Offer Rebate, ET RealEstate

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GURUGRAM: MCG has decided to waive penal interest and offer a 15% rebate for those who are yet to clear property tax. The scheme, officials said, will continue till March 31 and help them recover tax dues. Of the Rs 500 crore revenue target set from property tax this year, MCG has been able to mop up only Rs 187 crore — which is less than 40% of the estimate.

According to norms, those who fail to clear property tax in time have to pay interest at a rate of 18% per annum. The civic body also carries out sealing drives and auctions properties of those who have not paid property tax for a long time.

MCG commissioner Narhari Singh Bangar has asked property owners under the corporation’s jurisdiction to pay their property tax dues as soon as possible and avail the benefits of interest waiver and rebate given by govt.

Haryana govt has given a golden opportunity to those willing to clear their property tax dues till March 31. As per the waiver plan, 100% waiver on interest and 15% rebate on property tax is being granted for the 2023-24 financial year. Those who have not yet paid their property tax should immediately check their property data on govt’s no-dues certificate (NDC) portal, self-certify the data and pay the tax,” he said.

Bangar further said the civic body is continuously organising special camps in various areas of the city every day to assist property owners. “In these camps, services like removing errors in property data, self-certifying property data and assistance in payment of property tax with the interest waiver and rebate are being provided,” he added.

Under the Haryana Municipal Corporation Act, 1994, it is mandatory to deposit property tax once a year on all types of industrial, residential, commercial and institutional buildings and vacant plots located within the limits of MCG. “If a person does not pay property tax every year, govt charges interest at the rate of 18% per annum. Along with this, the process of sealing and auctioning the properties of those who have not paid property tax for a long time can also be adopted,” said an official.

Paying property tax on time will help owners avail the rebate and also protect them from penal provisions, the official added.

The civic body is facing challenges in recovery of dues due to discrepancies in property tax data of residents. Last Dec, assessment bills sent out by MCG were returned by a majority of residents, who pointed out that the bills did not correspond to their properties. The department had sent 505 notices to defaulters to pay up their dues, but most of them claimed there were discrepancies in the data.

  • Published On Mar 13, 2024 at 08:45 AM IST

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