Bhagalpur civic body launches drive to register 14,000 shops, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

BHAGALPUR: To streamline shops and commercial establishments in city areas, the Bhagalpur Municipal Corporation (BMC) has launched a survey initiative to identify unregistered businesses and ensure they are registered with the BMC, thus obtaining trade licences.

The objective is to rationalise BMC’s development plans across the 51 wards while boosting revenue. Currently, about 2,500 registered shops generate around 40 lakhs in revenue, but the BMC aims to register 14,000 businesses.

BMC city manager Vinay Prasad Yadav said a large-scale survey was underway, covering all unregistered shops, including doctors’ clinics. BMC tax collectors across the 51 wards have been asked to conduct these surveys and ensure businesses are licenced. Following the survey, notices will be issued to encourage registration and payment of the required fees. Legal actions will follow if businesses delay in obtaining their trade licences.

Ward councillors will assist in the survey and the BMC hopes to complete it by December 2024. Once completed, BMC’s revenue is expected to ncrease, particularly through trade licence fees and renewals.

Bhagalpur: To streamline shops and commercial establishments in city areas, the Bhagalpur Municipal Corporation (BMC) has launched a survey initiative to identify unregistered businesses and ensure they are registered with the BMC, thus obtaining trade licences.

The objective is to rationalise BMC’s development plans across the 51 wards while boosting revenue. Currently, about 2,500 registered shops generate around 40 lakhs in revenue, but the BMC aims to register 14,000 businesses.

BMC city manager Vinay Prasad Yadav said a large-scale survey was underway, covering all unregistered shops, including doctors’ clinics. BMC tax collectors across the 51 wards have been asked to conduct these surveys and ensure businesses are licenced. Following the survey, notices will be issued to encourage registration and payment of the required fees. Legal actions will follow if businesses delay in obtaining their trade licences.

Ward councillors will assist in the survey and the BMC hopes to complete it by December 2024. Once completed, BMC’s revenue is expected to ncrease, particularly through trade licence fees and renewals.

  • Published On Dec 14, 2024 at 01:00 PM IST

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