Realty Beat India

Bhutani Infra fined Rs 5 lakh for illegal excavation, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
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NOIDA: The district administration imposed a Rs 5 lakh fine on Bhutani Infra‘s Bhutani City Centre project in Sector 150 for basement excavation without the mining department’s permission. Officials also seized an excavator from the project site.

An FIR will be filed against the realtor if the excavation resumes, mining department officials said.

District mining officer Utkarsh Tripathi said the department received an anonymous complaint regarding unauthorised digging work being carried out in Sector 150.

On Monday, the department officials reached the Bhutani Infra project site in Sector 150, where an earthmover was being used to dig up a basement. However, the builder’s representatives failed to provide any permission documents.

“We verified with our department and checked our records to see whether any such permission was granted, and found that no such permission was given for the project,” said Tripathi.

As per UP govt rules, if any development project carries out any excavation beyond 2 metres, they have to obtain permission from the mining department.

Tripathi said in this case, the excavation was well beyond 2 metres leading to the action.

The department has intensified its crackdown on illegal mining in the district. Since Jan 1, it has seized 43 vehicles and four excavators from parts of Greater Noida including Jarcha, Ecotech, Rabupura and Dadri, collecting Rs 23 lakh in fines.

“We have been consistently acting against illegal mining and unauthorised excavation across the district. This incident in Sector 150 is part of the same,” Tripathi added.

Despite multiple attempts to reach out, Bhutani Infra Developers Pvt Ltd did not respond to the queries.

  • Published On Feb 26, 2025 at 08:54 AM IST

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